The Effing Agility Blog

The aim of this blog is to keep all the Effing members up to date with what's going on at Effing Agility.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Training focus

Last night at training we began to discuss more specific areas that people have come across during the competition season that they have identified as needing more training. This is a great opportunity! Feel free to write down in the comments section what you would like to work on, and I will design and work in exercises accordingly over the coming training period. Please be clear in what you would like to work on, ie 'handling' is a bit general, 'pull-throughs when the handler is behind' is something we can really get to grips with (thanks Glenda!) It would be good to have everything in one place, so that everyone can see what has already been written and add to if necessary. Recent additions include building independence on contacts and proofing contacts

1 comment:

  1. 1. Layering
    2. Course walking and time trials - to help with choosing the best route for our dogs
