The Effing Agility Blog

The aim of this blog is to keep all the Effing members up to date with what's going on at Effing Agility.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Parvo alert

I have been contacted about a parvo virus alert as follows:

The owner of a young dog which attended the TAG Easter Show (4-9 April, West Midland Showground in Shrewsbury) has reported that the dog has been positively diagnosed as suffering from canine parvovirus. This is a highly contagious disease which is especially dangerous to puppies and younger dogs.

If you are aware that any of your Effing Agility members were at the TAG Easter show, please ask them watch their dogs for any symptoms. Incubation is typically 3-10 days.

Please ask your competing members to consider whether they should attend agility shows in the next couple of weeks. As owners, it is our responsibility to prevent the spread of diseases, especially such a dangerous and contagious illness. Please remember that the standard KC show entry form requires you to promise not to take your dogs to a show if they have suffered from or been in contact with contagious diseases in the preceding 21 days.

More on this on the Agilitynet Facebook page

Thank you for your attention.


I understand that there are reported cases of parvo infection in our area, and there are rising numbers of cases around the country. Please be particularly viligant as this is a deadly disease. Check that your dogs' vaccinations are up to date, and if any of your dogs look ill, vomit and/or have diarrhoea, please do not come to training or go to any shows until your vet is certain that it is not canine parvovirus.

Thanks everyone, take care out there!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah dear your are right this type of decease dangerous for young dog.

    Canine Parvo
