I thought it might be useful to go over this topic again, and write something down so that everyone can refer to it. I find the best way to teach reliable waits is by shaping a ‘wait’ using high rewards, then gradually building up duration of the wait, my distance from the dog, and adding distractions, whilst making sure that the dog remains focussed and motivated. This can be done with food or toys, I have demonstrated it in class but am happy to do so again, or answer any questions about it. A good wait is maintained by consistent handling (never allowing the dog to continue on round the course if it does not wait), + building into your dog a fantastic combination of motivation and self control (for example games such as Susan Garrett’s ‘It’s yer choice’; 3-2-1- play with a toy game; crate games), + confidence produced by a set up routine so that the dog does not have to guess or try to anticipate when it will be released, + proofing in a huge range of distracting environments. It is worth while putting lots of time and effort into your waits, they only become more important as your agility career progresses!